Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullahi t3ala wabarakatuhu,
This is a reminder of some sunnahs that have been forgotten today:
- Tehband (Lungi) [for men ofcourse]
- Sunnats at the time of nikah:
distributing dates after nikah
sending the daughter to the husband's house without clamour or hue
The father going to their house (if living locally) and from a basin of water, sprinkling it on the bride and groom and making du'a for them.
Giving the daughter certain items which our beloved Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam gave his daughter (a silver bracelet, one blanket, one pillow, two yemeni sheets ect)
- Reading "Azhakallahu Sinnak" whenever someone is laughs
- Reading "Auzhubillaahi Min sharri haazal ghaasiq"{whenever our sight falls on moon}
- Standing and kissing the daughter whenever she enters into our house
- Eating little is becoming a forgotten sunnah.
“No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach. Sufficient for any son of Adam are some morsels to keep his back straight. But if it must be, then one third for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath.” (Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasaa’i).
- 'Husband helping his wife with the household tasks.
- 1. Performing wudhu with water from a pot or container.
2. To drink the remaining water of the pot after completing Wudhu.
3. Using water sparingly and not being wasteful. The Prophet
used to make wudu with a mudd (of water) and make ghusl with a saa' or up to five mudds." [Muslim]
Note : 1 mudd = 750ml (roughly)
- 1)To give a suitable name to the child on the seventh day
2)Dry dates should be given to a pious person to chew and then it should be applied in the mouth of the baby, or the baby should be made to suck it. The pious person should also be requested to make dua.
3)The head of the baby should be shaved and silver equal to the weight of the hair should be given in charity. - To never point out someone or something by using a finger
Huzoor Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam always used his whole hand.
-Sunnahs related to eating:
1. Spread out a cloth on the floor (to lay the food on).
2. If a morsel falls, pick it up, clean it and eat it.
3. Do not lean and eat
4. When eating, sit either with both knees raised and the posterior on the ground or by raising one knee and keeping the other on the ground. A third posture is to sit with both knees on the ground ( as in the position of Qa’dah) and lean forward to eat.
5. Clean the plate and other eating utensils thoroughly after eating. The utensils will then make dua for one’s forgiveness.
6. To lick the fingers after eating according to way of Sunnah.
7. First remove the cloth, then get up & recite the dua while picking up the cloth.
8. If a person uses only wheat (to make his bread), he should also add a little barley so as to get the Thawaab (reward) of acting on a Sunnat.
- Saying salaam to those who you know OR DONT KNOW both, and also smiling.
- At the time of facing difficulty, Making proper Wudu and praying two Rakats and making dua to Allah.
- Using a leather pillow filled with palm leaves.
- Using bedding made from leather and hide.
- Running races with one's wife.
- Forgiving even if its not your fault.
- Make dua for those who hurt you.
- When the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace), intended to recite the Qur’an or sleep, he would use a Miswak. He did the same when entering the house. ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said that,
“The first thing that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) did on entering the house, was Miswak.”
- Sleeping right after Isha prayer.
- When wearing clothes,shoes etc, starting from the right side and removing it from the left first.
- Nawafil prayers such as Awwabin, Tahajjud, Tahiyyatul Masjid..
- Holding Mashwara
(To be continued InshaALLAH t3ala, bi tawfeeqillah t3ala)
May ALLAH t3ala give us the tawfeeq to act upon every single sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, aameen thumma aameen!
Assalamolaaykum, Jazakallah al khayr for sharing these sunnahs with us. May Allah SWT reward you for this good deed, ameen. I shared your blog on my FB and a friend of mine asked me for references ( not because of a doubt but just so she can read the complete hadeeths and learn from them). i tried to give her references but I am stuck after the second sunnah, lol. I thought you might know all the references since you made them into sort of a small paragraph. If you could please share them with me...I would really appreciate that.
Assalamolaaykum, Jazakallah al khayr for sharing these sunnahs with us. May Allah SWT reward you for this good deed, ameen. I shared your blog on my FB and a friend of mine asked me for references ( not because of a doubt but just so she can read the complete hadeeths and learn from them). i tried to give her references but I am stuck after the second sunnah, lol. I thought you might know all the references since you made them into sort of a small paragraph. If you could please share them with me...I would really appreciate that.
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